воскресенье, 27 мая 2012 г.

I have deceived the whole world: for fun!

a. In 1976, Joey 'discovered ' the first brothel for dogs. To do this, he gave an ad in the newspaper The Village Voice, and then told ABC's. Repotrazh received a tremendous response and was nominated for an Emmy Award. However, he also drew the attention of the authorities (' animal cruelty ' in the United States a serious crime ), and Joey was forced to admit that all this is a hoax, when it opened a criminal case. Report immediately disqualified from the Emmy, but ABC's has never publicly its viewers are not told that ' a dog brothel ' was just a creative fantasy of the artist.

2. That same year, the media fed another duck. Allegedly, he organized a sperm bank of famous people. but he was kidnapped by the robbers, which require a ransom for him.

3. In 1977, reincarnated as Joey Joseph Bax - shoe cleaner on Wall Street. According to legend, he listened to the conversations of brokers and became almost a millionaire thanks to this. He invited members of the press on his last day of work, and taking clients with $ 5 for the ' cleansing ' (regular price - 25 cents). Although the vast majority of customers were bogus - some passers-by to learn about the history, in fact, decided to clean the shoes with Joey, for one trying to find out about it, what action he may recommend.

4. In 1982, the artist appeared in the form of gypsy baron Jojo, who demanded to rename the type of moth, known in the U.S. as a ' gypsy moth '. The purpose of the action was the irony of the movement of ' political correctness ', which is just gaining momentum in America at this time. At this time the victim was the famous drawing of The New York Times. And, ironically, the reporter who wrote an article about Jojo, has previously been dismissed for. publication of unverified stories.

5. In 1983, one J. J. Skaggs ' most famous surfer in Hawaii ' (which was previously unheard of ) stated that he was going to cross the Pacific Ocean on its windsurfing. January 15 ' DzheyDzheya ' accompanied the crowd of 200 people, together with the TV reporter on a boat. The story quickly became a worldwide sensation, but after a week of the surfer did not hear anything and the U.S. Coast Guard said it intends to carry out search and rescue action, Joey made ​​it clear that he once again played all.

6. In 1984, several television stations reported the existence of a group of activists go RIGHT!, Which oversees the etiquette of pedestrians in New York, and requires the adoption of laws that prohibit jogging and other ' wrong ' kinds of pavement. A total of 60 requirements, including mandatory grease the wheels carts, which go to the homeless, the minimum height at which a short man should hold the umbrella so as not to disturb others, and a strict ban on gestures.

7. In 1987 ' Dr Richard J. Long '( abbreviated Dick Long, or' long term ') informed the world that' guidaki ' are in danger, because the Japanese have begun to use them as an aphrodisiac. In fact, a kind of shellfish guidak that the abundance calculation was done on the coast. The drawing comes at a time when America was sick of rampant yaponofobiey ( Japanese cars and televisions finally won the American, Japanese American bought plenty of real estate), and like the Greenpeace movement, constantly find species of plants or animals that require protection. Dr. Long has received publicity in many newspapers, and his utterances were selected as the ' quote of the week '.

By the way, Joey, and there was a visionary - despite the fact that scientists still have not found between the collection guidakov and their population is no connection (that is, they still did not threaten ) the following year the Washington State Office of prirodoohnannoe start fining shellfish gatherers .

8. In 1995, the therapist ' Baba Wa Simba ' brought back to London ' lvoterapiyu '. According to legend, once lived in Africa, the therapist noticed that the simulated behavior zhivonyh (eg lion) has helped disadvantaged young people to acquire self-esteem and even helped them in every way. All therapy consisted of the fact that people stood on all fours and growling. Knowledgeable person would have understood immediately that this is just a mockery of the kind of ' therapy ' known as primal scream ( scream primary ). Nevertheless, almost all British TV filmed the story about the therapy, and some journalists who have tried it on myself, were quick to say that really feel good about themselves.

9. In 2006, Joey Skaggs, surprised by the number of idiots who buy a ' magic crystals ', ' tsirkonivye bracelets ' and ' magnetic pendants ', has opened a special website that sells watches with built-in ' lie detector '. How gullible suckers bought into the rally is not known (action was started more as a huzhozhestvennaya ), but the hours immediately became must-have accessory among the skeptics, and fans of Joey Skaggs.
What is it all Joey Skaggs? . Secondly, to show that the modern media and unusual item sensotsionnosti much more important than a reasonable argument about something really important. Well, in the third - for fun!.